Academic Publications
(Please send an email if you would like access to any of these articles!
Ptak, T., Crootof, A., Harlan, T., & Kelly, S. (2022). Critically evaluating the purported global “boom” in small hydropower development through spatial and temporal analysis. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 163, 112490.
Kelly, S. H. (2021). Mapping hydropower conflicts: A legal geography of dispossession in Mapuche-Williche Territory, Chile. Geoforum, 127, 269-282.
Carraro, V., Kelly, S., Vargas, J. L., Melillanca, P., & Valdés-Negroni, J. M. (2021). Undoing disaster colonialism: a pilot map of the pandemic's first wave in the Mapuche territories of Southern Chile. Disaster Prevention and Management: An International Journal.
Kelly, S. H., Guerra-Schleef, F., & Valdés-Negroni, J. M. (2021). Negociando consentimiento y derechos indígenas: Geografías legales de la fragmentación en territorio Mapuche-Williche, Futawillimapu, Chile. Journal of Latin American Geography, 20(2), 67-102.
Tironi, M., Campos-Knothe, K., Acuña, V., Isola, E., Bonelli, C., Galvez, M. G., Kelly, S. ... & Valdivieso, S. (2021). Interruptions: imagining an analytical otherwise for disaster studies in Latin America. Disaster Prevention and Management: An International Journal.
Kelly, S. and Valdés Negroni, J.M. (2020). Tracing Institutional Surprises in the Water-Energy Nexus: Stalled Projects of Chile’s Small Hydropower Boom. Environment and Planning E: Nature and Society.
Kelly, S. (2019). Megawatts mask impacts: Small hydropower and knowledge politics in the Puelwillimapu, Southern Chile. Energy Research & Social Science, 54, 224-235.
Gutierrez, G. M., Kelly, S., Cousins, J. J., & Sneddon, C. (2019). What Makes a Megaproject?: A Review of Global Hydropower Assemblages. Environment and Society, 10(1), 101-121.
Tironi, M., Bacigalupe, G., Knowles, S. G., Dickinson, S., Gil, M., Kelly, S., ... & Siddiqi, A. (2019). Figuring disasters, an experiment on thinking disruptions as methods, Resilience: International Policies, Practices, and Discourses, 7(2), 192-211.
Kelly-Richards, S., Silber-Coats, N., Crootof, A., Tecklin D., & Bauer, C. (2017). Governing the transition to renewable energy: A review of impacts and policy issues in the small hydropower boom. Energy Policy 101, 251-264.
Kelly-Richards, S., & Banister, J. M. (2017). A state of suspended animation: Urban sanitation and water access in Nogales, Sonora. Political Geography, 58, 104-113.
Radonic, L. & Kelly-Richards S. (2015). Pipes and praxis: An applied methodological contribution to the urban political ecology of water. Journal of Political Ecology, 22, 389-409.
Moore, S., Wilson, J., Kelly-Richards, S., & Marston, S. (2015). School gardens as sites for forging progressive socio-ecological futures. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 105(2), 407-415.
Community and Technical Reports
Kelly, S. (2019). Impacts of the Lagos and Osorno Hydropower Projects in the Pilmaiquen River, Mapuche-Williche Territory: A Cultural Geography Report. Submitted to the Segundo Tribunal Ambiental de Chile. Centro de Investigación para la Gestión Integral del Manejo de Desastres. Universidad Católica de Chile.
Kelly, S. (2018). Informe para el Tercer Tribunal Ambiental: Reclamación Rol-78-2018. “Comunidad indígena Saturnino Leal Neimán y otros con Comisión de Evaluación Ambiental de los Ríos.
Kelly, S., Valdés Negroni, J.M., Guerra-Schleef, F. (2017). Documento de Trabajo: El desarollo de centrales hidroeléctricas en el territorio de las comunidades Mapuche-Williche de la cuenca del Lago Ranco y Lago Maihue. Climate Assessment of the Southwest, University of Arizona.
Kelly-Richards, S., Robles, P., and Austin, D. (2013). Yuma County air quality awareness final report. Prepared for the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ). Bureau of Applied Research in Anthropology: Tucson, AZ.
House-Peters, L., S. Kelly-Richards, L. Radonic, J. Minor, and J. Quinn. (2013). Public political ecology field course: Report on a two-day critical theory and mixed methods course. Public Political Ecology Lab,