Colectivo Epulafkenmapu es el nombre de un colectivo en el territorio de dos lagos, Maihue y Ranco. Nombra un estudio longitudinal, producto de una colaboración intercultural, interdisciplinario e intergeneracional. Guiado por el Azmapu territorial y apoyado con las ciencias. Enfocamos en la ciencia comunitaria en un estudio colaborativo con renma, ancestral Mapuche-Williche families. Juntamos conocimiento Mapuche y conocimiento científica en un trawunko*.
*junta de dos ríos donde se produce una una energía especial para sanarse en las aguas
Epulafkenmapu Collective is the name of a collective in the territory of two lakes, Maihue and Ranco, in the Puelwillimapu territory of southern Chile. The collective conducts a longitudinal study. A collaborative project formed that is simultaneously intercultural, interdisciplinary, and intergenerational. Mapuche Azmapu, self right, guides the project. Western science supports the study, specifically by collaboration from an evolving group of scientists. We focus on community science in a collaborative research with renma, ancestral Mapuche families. We bring together Mapuche and scientific knowledge in a trawunko*.
*Trawunko is the merging of two rivers, where a particular newer, energy, is produced to heal.
**Photos are by Jennifer Rojas and the map is by Sergio Iacobelli and Sarah Kelly with community input.